New ‘Omicron’ Variant Is More Deadlier Than Delta, Warns WHO

My Geek Score: Covid has been creating threat since 2019 and still it’s in continuity. Just few months back it started to relief with the Covid casualties are slowly getting down faced on the global graph. Still there are chances to get new variants and every one must stay alert and safe. It is now the Omicron variant of Corona virus spreading terror across the globe. First it got identified in South Africa and WHO classified it as a variant of concern. Later within few days, the variant got detected across Europe and Asia. Now the serious issue is with its rising concern worldwide and even vaccination might not be a solution to it.
What WHO has said
WHO has marked it as a variant that might create havoc near future and even can be more dangerous than delta virus. It earlier originated in the southern part of Africa on November 24th and has bought fresh cases of infection. As per information the first confirmed B.1.1.529 (omicron variant) infection was from the specimen that was collected on 9th of November. Later cases were also identified across Belgium, Hong Kong and Israel. It is suggested to stay alert at social places as this variant is believed to increase the risk of re infection when compared to other variants.
What We know so far about Omicron
The sample was first identified and isolated from Botswana in Africa and it was surprisingly detected to bear more than 30 mutations to the spike protein. Even it’s predicted to give rise to more mutants and other severe diseases. The infected people might not show any kind of symptom but still might bear the infection. As per expert, Dr Anthony Fauci, (US government’s top expert on infectious disease) the variant is thought to be more transmissible and is also resistant to vaccines than any other variants. Still a lot more is yet to be discovered about the variant. Due to this, 24 nations European Union have suspended their flights from South Africa and even USA and Canada have banned travelling on those who are from South Africa. Countries have started sealing their borders as there are more chances of infection through the variant.
Response across Europe
The European continent has particularly stated ban on travelling due to the scrumbling situations of Corona virus after several countries came up with the variant infection cases. Most of the suspected cases of the variant have been noted in Innsbruck, Western Austria when two travellers from South Africa were tested positive.
Later on Saturday afternoon, two cases were reported in the UK and Germany separately and next a single case in Italy. There are even a good number of casualties expected across Netherlands and Czech Republic. The individuals being detected are under home isolation and further tests are into continuity.
How dangerous is the Omicron variant
With WHO spreading its awareness against the variant said the omicron variant is considerably dangerous in comparison to Delta variant. This is terribly transmissible and has severe chances of infection. Further vaccines, diagnostic tests and effective treatments would report its severity. As WHO said there are a good number of chances of the variants increasing the risk of reinfection as compared to other variants. The nature of the variant is under study and is going to be clarified soon. The global health care sources are still trying to study and understand its potential as well as impact on human beings in comparison to other variants. Apart from that the impact of vaccines and existing countermeasures are also the parameters which they are considering for better results and information relating to the variant.
Symptoms of Omicron
Presently the infected people have exposed that they had a mild pain and tiredness, sore muscles for a day or two. There is no loss of smell or taste reported but a slight cough being noted in some. Indeed there is no prominent symptom identified currently. Still medicos prefer for home isolation to those who are reported with such symptoms. For detecting the variant, same SARS-Co-V-2PCR test is conducted and one of the three targeted gene is not detected which is called the S gene drop out or the S gene target failure. Still the sequencing confirmation is pending and that is expected to get soon globally.
What you can do
WHO has requested the countries globally to perform investigation and assessments on the new variant. This would further expect to improve understanding of the potential impacts of the VOC on the Covid 19 epidemic, its severity and effectiveness on the public health conditions. Even the World Health Organization have requested people globally to follow measures that would help with reducing the chances of risk associated with the infection. People across the globe are requested to take care of the symptoms and must obey Covid 19 rules and regulations properly with wearing well-fitted masks, follow hand hygiene and must maintain physical distancing. Should stay indoor with improved ventilation and avoid crowded space. Most important of all is they should get vaccinated to improve their immunity to the next level.
Researchers have inferred that it might take some more time to confirm its severity. Still to avoid unusual circumstances, it’s important to take proper care and health attention for better results. The most significant one is the vaccination which is must to be taken for avoiding severe consequences of the infection. WHO has strictly recommended the vaccination drive as an integral part of fight against Omicron virus.
Even though it’s not particular about the infections and its circumstances, still WHO have confirmed the mutant to be dangerous. With the symptoms prevailing globally every single country has been asked to go through precautionary measures and avoid unusual travelling processes to help end the pandemic and break the chain of infection. The virus is mutating highly because of the spike protein and is urged to further mutation. For that reason it’s must that every single individual should get vaccinated and stays safe with their own rules and regulations being followed.