What is Protonmail and how does it work with full details

Paid Guest Post: The service was founded in 2013 by scientists from CERN who wanted to protect the privacy of their emails by keeping the contents secure even if they were intercepted at an internet café or while on public Wi-Fi.
What Is ProtonMail?
ProtonMail is a free and open-source email encryption service based in Switzerland. It allows you to create your own secure email account, with end-to-end encryption, that’s protected from prying eyes. accessable to PGP for all of your emails, chats, files and contacts.
Protonmail’s PGP integration means you can communicate with others who also have ProtonMail installed just like any other email service. However, it also means that your emails are encrypted on their servers and not in your browser or on the server of the recipient. This makes ProtonMail the most secure email service available today.
ProtonMail works on all major operating systems, including Windows, MacOS, and Linux. It’s also available for Android and iOS devices, with an open source mobile client called ProtonMail for Android or ProtonMail for iOS.
ProtonMail’s architecture has been designed to make sure that no single person or government agency can access your data at any point in time. Your sensitive messages are stored on their servers only if you choose to share them with others who are also using Protonmail account login. If you do not want to share these messages, then they will remain private until they expire (weeks or months later).
Protonmail Prioritizes Data Protection and Secure Messaging
ProtonMail was designed to be a secure email service that protects your data from the people you communicate with.
ProtonMail’s mission is to provide secure and private communication for everyone on the planet. As part of our mission, we’ve developed a suite of tools that help you store and protect your data in a way that makes it impossible for third parties to access or misuse it. These tools are designed to help users keep control of their privacy while they communicate securely with others.
The ProtonMail security features are built on several principles:
We encrypt all communications between users and servers in transit (the “transport layer”). This means that there is no way for an attacker to read or alter the contents of your messages, even if he has access to your account or device.
We use 2048-bit RSA encryption keys, which are long enough that an attacker cannot break them through brute force methods (i.e., trying every possible key until finding one that works).
We’ve also developed an innovative encryption algorithm known as the “end-to-end” encryption protocol that makes it impossible for us to read your messages even if our servers are breached or someone hacks into our databases.
how to get started with PGP encryption in ProtonMail.
1. Go to https://protonmail.com/pgpkey/ and click on “import a key” in the top right corner of the page.
2. Locate your public key and copy it to your clipboard by clicking on “Copy Public Key to Clipboard”.
3. Click on “PGP Message Encryption” in the left menu bar, then click on “Set up PGP encryption”.
4. In the new window that opens, enter your password and click OK to continue Our goal is to make sure that no one in the world knows what you’re sending or receiving from Protonmail unless you decide it’s okay for them to know.
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