Senate Rejects Biden Vaccine Mandate for Private Business Owners

My Geek Score: In recent weeks, Biden has proposed the law in an assembly that the private business owners must employ more than 100 people to get the vaccination against Covid-19, followed by the weekly check-up for the virus.
On the other hand, the Senate rejected the proposal by a majority, 52 out of 48 votes. The votes are a clear message that assembly members are against this law, partially in the context of using the federal’s money. However, the court’s decision is still on hold for now.
“Biden has no authority to impose the requirement,” said Mike Bruan, member of the United States Senate.
In addition, Bruan celebrated the victory on Wednesday night and tweeted, “this bipartisan vote is a crystal clear message to the Whitehouse; back off, stop this crazy federal immediately.”
This year in September, Joe Biden revealed that his idea of vaccination or testing mandate for private businesses is to increase the nation’s covid-19 vaccination rate and prove helpful in fighting the new Omicron variant of Corona virus.
On rejection of the proposal, Democrats argue that Republican opposition is lighting or promoting the anti-vaccine emotions in some parts of the country.
The GOP opposition said it is genuinely baseless, and Biden has exceeded its limit as a President.
The Pandemic is Slowly Transforming itself as Endemic
Under Biden’s proposal, the private companies must have more than 100 employees to take the covid-19 vaccines or submit the weekly report.
The OSHA said that the penalty of 13k dollars on each violation restrict the law implementation. Otherwise, who on earth will refuse such safety laws being taken in the nation’s favor.
Till Tuesday, the US vaccination was 1.8 million does per day. Chuck Schumer, the Senate majority leader, said Americans who refuse vaccination are the biggest hurdle in ending the pandemic.